Hi, At Kafka, we intend to change our contribution flow to be based on GitHub pull requests. An important part of this flow is running CI builds on pull requests. The basics are now working[1] thanks to Andrew Bayer's help. I have a few questions that I could not find an answer for (if this is information is already available somewhere, a reference is appreciated) and I was hoping that someone here could help:
1. Is it possible to trigger a rebuild with "retest this please"? 2. Who is allowed to trigger a rebuild? Is it any committer or only those with access to Jenkins? 3. Can we use "add to whitelist" to add another user to the authorised list? 4. Out of curiosity, are we using https://wiki.jenkins-ci.org/display/JENKINS/GitHub+pull+request+builder+plugin or something custom? Normally, I would just figure it out by trying these things, but I am not a committer and I don't have access to Jenkins, which makes things a bit harder! Thanks, Ismael [1] https://builds.apache.org/job/kafka-trunk-git-pr/