Dear people, The build slave has spurious failures. This slave is used for RAT build testing for the Subversion project, and for several other builders.
The failure mode is it sometimes fails to see the stdout from programs it runs (such as 'svn info --xml' or 'git --version'). Examples can be seen in about 1 in 10 of the builds it attempts. Look at the "stdio log" of attempts that failed on step 1. Recent examples: An example of a broken attempt, from [[[ git --version in dir /home/buildslave2/slave2/log4j2-nightly/build (timeout 1200 secs) watching logfiles {} argv: ['git', '--version'] environment: [...] using PTY: True program finished with exit code 0 elapsedTime=0.011104 ]]] An example of a working attempt (note the "git version 1.9.1" line), from [[[ git --version in dir /home/buildslave2/slave2/log4j2-nightly/build (timeout 1200 secs) watching logfiles {} argv: ['git', '--version'] environment: [...] using PTY: True git version 1.9.1 program finished with exit code 0 elapsedTime=0.011104 ]]] This has been happening for weeks/months. For a long time we in the Subversion project were wondering if it was a bug in 'svn info --xml', but now I see it is not specific to Subversion and also affects other projects. Please can someone look into it? - Julian