
Tony Stevenson moved INFRA-8750 to BUILDS-36:

    INFRA-Members:   (was: [infrastructure-team])
         Workflow: jira  (was: INFRA Workflow)
              Key: BUILDS-36  (was: INFRA-8750)
          Project: Infra Build Platform  (was: Infrastructure)

> Problems with Jenkins Builds using the Flashplayer to execute tests
> -------------------------------------------------------------------
>                 Key: BUILDS-36
>                 URL: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/BUILDS-36
>             Project: Infra Build Platform
>          Issue Type: Bug
>            Reporter: Christofer Dutz
> In the Flex jenkins jobs we need to execute the flashplayer in order to run 
> our unit tests. When executing them on the Windows agent the build was 
> usually terminated because of it hanging. I added some code to terminate the 
> flash process after 2 seconds. 
> Here is the log ... I'll increase the timeout to 20 Seconds so If you are 
> able to have a look at the problem the Flashplayer is having you should have 
> the time to actually read the message:
> Here's the build:
> https://builds.apache.org/view/E-G/view/Flex/job/flex-falcon/412/console

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