
since a few days we get the following error when deploying snapshot artifacts 
to Jenkins:

Build Log:
[...truncated 25266 lines...]
The following error occurred while executing this line:
The following error occurred while executing this line:
 The following error occurred while executing this line:
 Error deploying artifact 'org.apache.lucene:lucene-solr-grandparent:pom': 
Error retrieving previous build number for artifact 
'org.apache.lucene:lucene-solr-grandparent:pom': repository metadata for: 
'snapshot org.apache.lucene:lucene-solr-grandparent:4.11.0-SNAPSHOT' could not 
be retrieved from repository: apache.snapshots.https due to an error: Error 
transferring file: Server returned HTTP response code: 502 for URL: 

Total time: 14 minutes 7 seconds
Build step 'Invoke Ant' marked build as failure Recording test results Email 
was triggered for: Failure Sending email for trigger: Failure

Looking for the cause of the problem, we only know that the username was 
changed from "hudson" -> "jenkins" recently for the build slaves (also for the 
Lucene build machine, I took care of that). But the login user name of Nexus is 
still "ci-hudson" as specified in settings.xml. Is there anything to change? I 
know, error 502 is not "access denied", but it could be related.

The build machine failing is: lucene.zones.apache.org

Does anybody know whats going on?


Uwe Schindler
Apache Lucene PMC Member / Committer
Bremen, Germany

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