ping?  Is there anyone with knowledge of how the Windwows-based Jenkins is set
up that can take a look at this?

-Marshall Schor

On 7/30/2013 1:48 PM, Richard Eckart de Castilho wrote:
> Hi there,
> I have an odd problem running a Maven build on the slave windows1.
> The build fails with the message:
> ${maven.home} is not specified as a directory: 
> 'F:\hudson\tools\maven\latest3'.
> The code producing this error is basically taking the value of the 
> "maven.home"
> system property, creating a Java File object from the value and calling 
> ".isDirectory()"
> on it. So I wonder why "new 
> File("F:\hudson\tools\maven\latest3").isDirectory()" would 
> return false on windows1. Mind, this is not my code, it's part of Maven 
> itself.
> Earlier in the build log, the same path is used in a classpath line and 
> appears
> to be unproblematic there:
> f:\hudson\tools\java\latest-1.6-64/bin/java -Xmx800m -XX:MaxPermSize=256m -cp 
> f:\hudson\hudson-slave\maven3-agent.jar;f:\hudson\tools\maven\latest3\boot\plexus-classworlds-2.4.jar
>  org.jvnet.hudson.maven3.agent.Maven3Main f:\hudson\tools\maven\latest3 
> C:\Users\hudson\AppData\LocalLow\Sun\Java\Deployment\cache\6.0\39\4bb6b7e7-5af105be
>  f:\hudson\hudson-slave\maven3-interceptor.jar 
> f:\hudson\hudson-slave\maven3-interceptor-commons.jar 63136
> The only difference I can see is "F:\…" vs. "f:\…", but as Windows is not 
> case sensitive, that shouldn't 
> be an issue.
> A problematic build is e.g. this one: 
> Since the build is nice on Linux slaves, I suspect some Windows oddness. 
> Does anybody have an idea what's the problem here? 
> Cheers,
> -- Richard

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