I'm guessing that you mainly care about testing your patch with the top of
the tree. For this purpose, we have something called Pre-Commit builds
which is managed by pre-Commit-Admin job.

Here is how it works:
User uploads patch to jira and set the jira status to patch available,
Pre-Commit Admin job scrapes of the configured jira filter to get the jira
number and triggers a preCommit-build for a given project.
Pre-Commit build job downloads the latest patch from the jira and applies
it to the trunk/master branch and performs bunch of test before and after
applying the patch and reports back to jira.

Only caveat is, pre-commit-Admin/pre-commit job currently supports running
build/test against the trunk/master branch.  For more info on pre-commit
builds, you can take a look at

I'm working on a jira to enable pre-Commit Admin jobs to be able to run
against multiple branches.

On Thu, Jun 13, 2013 at 2:19 AM, Robert Munteanu <romb...@apache.org> wrote:

> > > I would like to setup a Jenkins job to trigger on a review
> > > submission/update to reviewboard. Is there already tooling available
> for
> > > this? If any projects have implemented this, can I have some pointers?
> The reviewboard plugin git repo is empty for now [1] . I know there is
> another plugin [2] but it only works for P4.
> If you're interested in hacking something you can take a look at the
> Reviewboard Eclipse plugin [3], which implements a Java client for the
> ReviewBoard REST API.
> Robert
> [1]: https://github.com/jenkinsci/reviewboard-plugin
> [2]: https://wiki.jenkins-ci.org/display/JENKINS/Reviewboard+Plugin
> [3]: https://github.com/rombert/ereviewboard

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