On 6/12/2013 6:54 AM, Olivier Lamy wrote:
> 2013/6/12 Marshall Schor <m...@schor.com>:
>> While climbing the learning curve a bit more on Jenkins, I saw in the
>> configuration in the advance build options, the ability to use a "private 
>> Maven
>> repository".  The help for this suggested "When using this option, consider
>> setting up a Maven artifact manager so that you don't have to hit remote 
>> Maven
>> repositories too often."
> Use "Local to Executor" option. as it you won't download everything
> all the time and it's concurrency safe.

The choices for "Use private Maven repository" are:

  * Default (~/.m2/repository)
  * Local to the Executor
  * Local to the Workspace

Is the ~ in ~/.m2/repository some shared general user across all build running
(possibly concurrently) on this machine (e.g. "jenkins")

Is the Executor one instance of potentially multiple "runners" of builds on this
single machine?

Is the "Workspace" for a particular build configuration reused for subsequent
builds - in other words, if I made the repository local to the Workspace, would
I be isolated from other work running on Jenkins, and yet get reuse in this repo
for subsequent builds of this same configuration?

Thanks for clarifying.  I'm happy to read the "manual" if someone can point me
in the right direction...

>> We have a repository in our infrastructure that mirrors Maven Central - the
>> repository.apache.org machine.
>> Is that set up as a mirror for our Jenkins maven builds, when the Jenkins
>> configuration for settings file is set to "Use default maven settings"?
> If you want to deploy snapshots to repository.a.o yes.
>> I see there is also a choice for settings file which is "provided 
>> settings.xml"
>> which, in turn, gives 2 sub-choices:
>>    * archiva-deploy-snapshots-settings and
> This one is used to deploy to our Archiva instance (
> https://archiva-repository.apache.org/archiva/index.html?request_lang=en
> ) and use this Archiva instance as a mirror of central
>>    * simple-deploy-settings-no-mirror
> contains settings to deploy to repository.a.o
>> Is the first one of these the same as "Use default maven settings"?
>> If this is all documented somewhere for our installation, can you point me 
>> to that?
>> Thanks, and apologies for the many questions!
>> -Marshall Schor
> --
> Olivier Lamy
> Ecetera: http://ecetera.com.au
> http://twitter.com/olamy | http://linkedin.com/in/olamy

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