Hello, I'm not sure if this is the right list for posting questions about builds.a.o. But this [1] wiki lead me here:
On the incubator-cloudstack project we run several integration tests on our continuous test infrastructure. The infrastructure required for such a system is usually sizeable. Imagine a rack of servers, large storage, network cabling etc. All of this infra structure is setup within Citrix right now. We push back the test results via JNLP jenkins slave to a public jenkins master [2]. I'd like to move these tests to builds.a.o and was wondering if I can still create slave agents on it via JNLP or this is something to be kept outside of builds.a.o? I didn't find any test jobs on builds.a.o. How do other projects (if anyone is aware of) handle continuous test infrastructure? Do they keep it separate from builds.a.o? [1] http://wiki.apache.org/general/Jenkins?action=show&redirect=Hudson [2] http://jenkins.cloudstack.org Thanks, -- Prasanna., Apache CloudStack (incubating)