
Might be slightly off topic but I having an issue with windows paths and the 
Jenkins build and hopefully someone can help out. (I'm more an OSX/Linux guy.)

(If I've emailed it to the wrong apache list, many apologies and I'd appreciate 
it if someone point point me towards the right one. )

This is failing in the Flex ant script:
        <exec executable="${env.PIXELBENDER_HOME}/pbutil">

I assume it's the spaces (and my escaping of them) in the path are causing 

In Jenkins if I have PIXLEBENDER_HOME set up like this:
PIXELBENDER_HOME=C:\Program Files (x86)\Adobe\Adobe Utilities - CS5\Pixel 
Bender Toolkit 2
or this:
PIXELBENDER_HOME=C:\Program Files (x86)\Adobe\Adobe Utilities - CS5\Pixel 
Bender Toolkit 2

The build fails.

Do I need to do something like this?
PIXELBENDER_HOME=C\:/Program\ Files\ (x86)/Adobe/Adobe Utilities\ -\ CS5/Pixel\ 
Bender\ Toolkit\ 2

Or perhaps it's not an issue with spaces but an issue with execute permissions 
on pbutils?


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