> -----Original Message-----
> From: sebb [mailto:seb...@gmail.com]
> Sent: Thursday, 3 November 2011 1:06 PM
> To: builds@apache.org
> Subject: [buildbot] jmeter-nightly using wrong SVN location
> I changed the SVN location in the jmeter.conf file when it was moved to
> The jmeter-trunk build [1] has picked it up, and works fine, but the
> nightly build [2] still seems to be using the old SVN setting, i.e.
> jakarta/jmeter/trunk rather than jmeter/trunk.
> The jmeter.conf file does not contain a reference to jakarta anymore, so I
> don't understand why the builder is using stale information.
> I've just tried a dummy commit to see if that wakes up the builder; but I
> assume that should not be necessary?


Buildbot is configured in a way that allow projects to edit their own
It is also sensitive to errors and protects a good configuration by not
applying a bad
one. All projects config files are seen as one big configuration by
Buildbot, and as
such if any other projects config file is incorrect it stops any other
changes being
applied too.

I'm going to assume this is what happened in this instance; and that the
other projects
config file is now correct as I see your changes have now been pulled in.



> [1] http://ci.apache.org/builders/jmeter-trunk
> [2] http://ci.apache.org/builders/jmeter-nightly

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