On Sun, Oct 30, 2011 at 8:37 AM, Niklas Gustavsson <nik...@protocol7.com>wrote:
> On Sun, Oct 16, 2011 at 7:12 PM, Michael Herndon > <mhern...@wickedsoftware.net> wrote: > > http://shfb.codeplex.com/ Unfortunately our sand castle build file > > requires the latest. The link no longer works for me as well. sorry to > be > > such a pain. But you are correct, the build did detect that it was > > installed, albeit an incompatible version. > > Tried installing the latest version but the installer failed to find > one of its own files (which was present). > --- this is installer I loathe because its error messages and installer package is not intuitive or straight forward. When I ran into issues I had to manually click links that were not obvious (at least not to me) while installed. Let me re-install this and write out all the steps sometime this week before I bother you with this again. > > > As for the other two items: is the windows slave 2008 R2 or just 2008? > > Seems to be 2008 SP2. > > > Ncover's issue might be that its a 64 bit installer if the OS is 32 bit > > Windows Server 2008 and not R2. The 32 bit one is here: > > http://downloads.ncover.com/NCover-x86- > > > > FxCop, I'm not sure. I've only installed the sdk on 64bit systems > (Windows 7 > > & Windows Server 2008 R2) and its always been in the folder "C:\Program > > Files\Microsoft SDKs\Windows\v7.1\Bin\FXCop". > > It's a 64 bit server. > you already have the sdk installed and why it didn't place in the installer fxcop in the correct place for a 64 bit install is anyone's guess. The easiest solution will be to get you the installer package. Once you have that, the rest will take care of itself. > > > Last request, would it be possible to get the HTML Publisher > > plugin<http://wiki.jenkins-ci.org/display/JENKINS/HTML+Publisher+Plugin> > > plugin > > installed ? > > We're kind of careful with the plugins we install as we've had them > break Jenkins in odd ways before. Why would this be needed? > The violations plugin handles java violations as well as .NET/Mono fxcop, gendarme, & stylecop and is already installed Unfortunately plugins like clovermand junit, to my knowledge, do not already provide the same functionality. The html publisher allows publishing static html reports which would push the reports for gallio, nunit, and ncover without having to install multiple plugins or requiring those plugins to transform pretty lengthy xml files. That seemed like the simplest option when I installed hudson on my local. > > /niklas >