thanks, they're working now.


On 10/5/2011 12:23 PM, Olivier Lamy wrote:
> Hello,
> I have just added the repository id (apache.snapshots.https) in maven
> deployer configuration and it works better at least add ons.
> sdk build is waiting an executor.
> 2011/10/5 Marshall Schor <>:
>> Does 401 mean some kind of permissions failure?  Is there something we need 
>> to
>> do have Jenkins have permission to deploy to the Snapshot repo at
>> -Marshall
>> On 10/4/2011 3:06 PM, Marshall Schor wrote:
>>> Frequently, our builds report "failure", but when we look we find the build
>>> itself was "Successful", but at the end of the build, some Jenkins action to
>>> deploy to the snapshot repository fails with code "401".
>>> Here's an example:
>>> [INFO] 
>>> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
>>> [INFO] Total time: 15:09.417s
>>> [INFO] Finished at: Tue Oct 04 18:17:10 UTC 2011
>>> [INFO] Final Memory: 48M/196M
>>> [INFO] 
>>> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
>>> channel stopped
>>> Maven RedeployPublished use remote ubuntu1 maven settings from : 
>>> /home/jenkins/.m2/settings.xml
>>> [ERROR] uniqueVersion == false is not anymore supported in maven 3
>>> [INFO] Deployment in 
>>> (id=,uniqueVersion=false)
>>> Deploying the main artifact AlchemyAPIAnnotator-2.3.2-SNAPSHOT.jar
>>> Downloading: 
>>> Downloaded: 
>>>  (2 KB at 2.0 KB/sec)
>>> Uploading: 
>>> Uploading: 
>>> ERROR: Failed to deploy artifacts: Could not transfer artifact 
>>> org.apache.uima:AlchemyAPIAnnotator:jar:2.3.2-20111004.181713-3 from/to  
>>> ( Failed to 
>>> transfer file: 
>>>  Return code is: 401
>>> Full output is here:
>>> Anyone have any ideas how to fix this?
>>> -Marshall

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