We discard builds, meaning there's no possibility to get any history
beyond what you see in the GUI.


2011/10/5 Łukasz Lenart <lukasz.len...@googlemail.com>:
> Hi,
> Could you help Igor or explain how can I help him ? I don't see any
> build export options to prepare logs for him.
> Thanks in advance
> --
> Łukasz
> + 48 606 323 122 http://www.lenart.org.pl/
> Warszawa JUG conference - Confitura http://confitura.pl/
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: Igor Wiese <igor.wi...@gmail.com>
> Date: 2011/10/1
> Subject: Struts Builds Help
> To: lukasz.len...@gmail.com
> Hi Lukasz
> My name is Igor Wiese. Tecnological I'm a professor at Federal
> University in Brazil.
> I have two students, studying the Witch build an Tendency Can fail or
> have success. The impact of the Research Observer have metrics about
> the code, type of issues, communication Between developers.
> For this, we need data about the build log history.
> We try to look at the Project jenkins, but we only have access to the
> last 4 builds. We look at the project page Aries also have not found
> anything.
> How can I get historical data builds made this the first release of Struts?
> Thank you,
> Igor Wiese
> ================================
> Igor Scaliante Wiese, MSc
> Coordenação de Informática
> Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná
> Campus Campo Mourão

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