On Wed, Jul 27, 2011 at 10:52 PM,  <ro...@bufferoverflow.ch> wrote:
> Could you please ensure, that the following packages are available on all
> Ubuntu build slaves?
> sudo apt-get install libboost-dev libboost-test1.42-dev
> libboost-program-options1.42-dev libevent-dev automake libtool flex bison
> pkg-config g++ ruby1.9.1-dev librspec-ruby rake rubygems libdaemons-ruby
> libgemplugin-ruby mongrel python-dev python-twisted libbit-vector-perl
> php5-dev php5-cli libglib2.0-dev erlang-base erlang-eunit erlang-dev
> mono-gmcs libmono-dev libmono-system-web2.0-cil ghc6 cabal-install
> libghc6-binary-dev libghc6-network-dev libghc6-http-dev

Looking into this but there is currently problems with ssh access to
ubuntu1. ubuntu2 and ubuntu3 should have all packages, except for
libboost-test1.42-dev and libboost-program-options1.42-dev which was
not found. Are these in some other repository?


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