On 9 June 2011 00:59, Howard Lewis Ship <hls...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I'm attempting to get Tapestry to automatically deploy snapshots after
> a succesful build.
> Tapestry builds using Gradle.
> I'm still figuring out how to get PGP signatures generated and
> uploaded with the main artifacts.

Why bother? This is a snapshot, not a release.

AFAICT, many/most of the other snapshots don't have sigs, only hashes.

> I can deploy using a local command line build BUT that's because my
> ~/.gradle/gradle.properties file contains my Apache username and
> password.  I'm not happy about that (Gradle doesn't even have the
> basic password obscuring added to Maven, so my password is in
> plaintext on my laptop.  I don't like that.
> I don't even have that option for Jenkins.
> Is there any special way to upload from Jenkins to the Apache Nexus
> snapshot (https://repository.apache.org/content/repositories/snapshots/)
> ?

No idea about that.

> Thanks,
> Howard
> --
> Howard M. Lewis Ship
> Creator of Apache Tapestry
> The source for Tapestry training, mentoring and support. Contact me to
> learn how I can get you up and productive in Tapestry fast!
> (971) 678-5210
> http://howardlewisship.com

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