You might be right about he "safety" issue but trying to enforce this
all the time across all projects is not real feasible.  I don't think
the plugin would hurt in either case and it prevents releases from
getting accidentally uploaded to the snapshot repository.


On Mar 2, 2011, at 6:26 AM, sebb <> wrote:

> On 2 March 2011 10:27, Marshall Schor <> wrote:
>> If we check the box in a Job configuration that says "Deploy artifacts to the
>> Maven Repository" and specify the Apache Nexus Snapshot repo, what happens 
>> if a
>> build starts right at the moment when the Apache Release plugin has renamed 
>> the
>> POMs to a non-Snapshot release version and checked those into trunk, so it 
>> can
>> tag a release candidate?
>> I presume the build might check-out from trunk a release version and build 
>> it.
>> Assuming the build completes without error, the post-processing would 
>> attempt to
>> upload this non-Snapshot to the Apache Nexus snapshot repo (the URL in the 
>> job
>> configuration says:
>> )
>> Would our Nexus configuration or the Hudson Maven plugin realize that 
>> something
>> was amiss, in this case, and block the deploy to the repo?
>> If not, is the right "best practice" to disable deployment in the job build
>> settings while doing release work, and re-enable it afterwards?
> Another approach is to never release directly from trunk.
> Checkout trunk into a clean workspace
> Edit the POM etc to change the version and scm fields as necessary
> Do "svn diff" and "svn st" to check that the changes are OK. These
> should only show changes to the POMs
> Create the RC tag, by copying the tag workspace to SVN:
> svn copy <workspace>
> You can then release from that workspace directly (but remember it's
> linked to trunk).
> Or for safety, checkout a read-only copy of the tag.
> If the release vote fails, update trunk, and create RC2 etc.
> If the release vote succeeds, rename RCn as the release version, e.g.
> cmis-1.2-RC3 => cmis-1.2.
> Any failed RCn tags can then be deleted.
> This approach precludes using the maven release plugin, but IMO is a
> lot safer and easier to recover.
>> I found by googling this plugin for hudson:
>> which explicitly says it
>> recognizes this situation and doesn't upload.  But I don't think this is the
>> plugin we have installed, because the label on the "Build Settings" is 
>> different.
>> -Marshall Schor

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