on the page https://hudson.apache.org/hudson, in the main panel it shows all the
jobs configured on Hudson.  At the top of this, is a set of tabs:

A-F, All, G-L, M-R, S-Z, and "+".

The "All" is selected.

When users are hunting for jobs for the first time, they push one of these tabs,
such as the "S-Z", and expect to see just those jobs in the list.

But what actually happens when you push S-Z, is that you go to that page, and it
has a subset of the jobs in the S-Z range displayed as "tabs" across the top. 
The 2nd one, "ServiceMix" is "selected", and what is actually showing in the
list is just the "ServiceMix" jobs.

This behavior is not expected by users, and we've gotten email to the effect
that our CI setup isn't being listed.

Is this a known issue with Hudson?  Is there a way to get the expected behavior
to happen?

-Marshall Schor

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