On Mon, Sep 20, 2010 at 8:43 PM, Patrick Hunt <ph...@cloudera.com> wrote:
> Hi. Improving resource use is a great goal, I'm not sure it's that
> clearcut though. I'm only familiar with ZK: note that these two jobs
> are our patch queues, which only gets run when a user submits a patch
> to a jira (only a few patches on each job over the last couple
> months):
> Zookeeper-Patch-h1.grid.sp2.yahoo.net              | 2 mo 2 days
> Zookeeper-Patch-h7.grid.sp2.yahoo.net              | 1 mo 16 days
> this may fail for any number of reasons (patch won't apply, no tests,
> findbug issues, etc...) Also notice that a patch gets sent to only 1
> of 3 possible machines in some pseudo random fashion. So while one
> patch job shows a recent success, the others do not. So to some extent
> this is out of our hands.

I agree that this might be a problem. However, looking at these
specific jobs they both seem be out of the list if they had been fully
maintained. E.g. the following build seems to have failed due to a
build configuration problem:

There a quite a few builds failing for the same reason. Should these
have been fixed, this job would not have been caught by the script.

That said, I'll be happy to maintain a white list of jobs in the
disable script. So, if you got a job that has a good reason for being
failed for a long time, let me know.

> We also see frequent failures from things that seem like infrastruture
> issues, here's there console output from a couple recent failures:
> WARNING: clock of the subversion server appears to be out of sync.
> This can result in inconsistent check out behavior.
> here's another:
> Checking out http://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/hadoop/zookeeper/trunk
> ERROR: Failed to check out
> http://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/hadoop/zookeeper/trunk
> org.tmatesoft.svn.core.SVNException: svn: unknown host
> svn: OPTIONS request failed on '/repos/asf/hadoop/zookeeper/trunk'
> that said, we recently had issues with our trunk that were causing
> intermittent failures. We've been working on those and hopefully it
> will help to clear these patch issues.

Yes, there will always be builds failing for these reasons (e.g.
Hudson instability, network problems). I would recommend to delete
these builds as they do not reflect problems in your build and doesn't
add much knowledge (besides bad statistics). That's what I do for the
jobs I maintain.


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