On Tue, Aug 17, 2010 at 9:35 AM, Niklas Gustavsson <nik...@protocol7.com> wrote:
> If so, we might have to
> rename our slaves.

Thinking more about this, how about renaming the slaves to better
reflect on their "logical" use in Hudson. Today we use a mixture of
TLP names, OSs and physical host names. How about:
* "hadoopX (Ubuntu)" -> "hadoopX"
* "hudson-solaris (Solaris)" -> "solaris1"
* "hudson-win.apache.org (Windows 2008)" -> "windows1"
* "lucene.zones.apache.org (Solaris)" -> "lucene"
* "minerva.apache.org (Ubuntu)" -> "ubuntu1"
* "vesta.apache.org (Ubuntu)" -> "ubuntu2"


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