
I removed the single projects (apacheds, shared, daemon, installers)
from Continuum and added trunk-with-dependencies instead, (which
includes apacheds, shared, daemon, installers, ldap-clients). This seems
to work, as the projects are built in the correct order. One drawback is
that this monster build takes 50 minutes or more (on my laptop it takes
10 minutes).

Kind Regards,

Brett Porter schrieb:
> I made you a Directory project administrator instead :)
> Let me know if you have any problems adding it.
> On 01/03/2010, at 10:38 AM, Stefan Seelmann wrote:
>> Hi Brett,
>> could you please add another project to the Directory project group?
>>  LDAP Clients
>>  https://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/directory/clients/ldap/trunk
>> Thanks,
>> Stefan
>> Brett Porter wrote:
>>> So for now I'll leave the Directory builds to do their thing on JDK 5. If 
>>> you need help reconfiguring it to use JDK 6 or some other issues, please 
>>> just drop us a note at builds@apache.org (I'm not typically subscribed to 
>>> this list).
>>> Cheers,
>>> Brett
>>> --
>>> Brett Porter
>>> br...@apache.org
>>> http://brettporter.wordpress.com/
> --
> Brett Porter
> br...@apache.org
> http://brettporter.wordpress.com/

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