On 06/Jan/2010 23:56, Gav... wrote:
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: Tim Ellison [mailto:t.p.elli...@gmail.com]
>> Sent: Wednesday, 6 January 2010 9:29 PM
>> To: builds@apache.org
>> Subject: Re: Windows slave and MSSQL server
>> On 06/Jan/2010 11:20, Aristedes Maniatis wrote:
>>> Now that we have a Windows Hudson slave, would it be possible to
>> install
>>> Microsoft SQL server on that machine as well? The Cayenne project
>> wants
>>> just a single database there which will be used for testing as part
>> of
>>> the junit test suite run on Hudson. It will be extremely low load and
>>> take up negligible disk space (other than the installation of the MS
>> SQL
>>> server itself).
>>> I'm sorry I have no Windows skills so I can't help with the setup,
>> but
>>> I'm assuming you just double click on some installer and go through a
>> 30
>>> step wizard.
>> Sure.  Please open an INFRA JIRA ticket.  Once Gav has downloaded the
>> ASF-licensed ISO image I will install it.
> I've done that now, Enterprise and Developer Editions, not sure which was
> better.

I installed the developer edition.  It required an upgrade to Visual
Studio 2008 SP1, so I did that too.  As always, if there are any
problems please shout.

Ari also asked for the JDBC drivers to be installed.  They are
downloaded and put into c:\hudson\tools [1].

As requested, I've created a database called "cayenne_test" with owner
rights granted to a new "cayenne" user.  I'll send Ari the password.

> I notice now that we have 10-15GB of downloaded ISOs and other stuff, with a
> 40GB drive this doesn't leave much.

FYI the disk space is down to 9Gb now.

> So, I should probably add more space to the VM.
> I'll need to stop the VM at some point and add a 2nd Drive to put the ISOs
> etc onto
> Or see about extending the current drive and expanding C to fill the space.
> Not sure which would be better (or both), I'll probably do this over the
> weekend.


[1] In particular add the following to your build classpath


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