On Wed, Jan 6, 2010 at 12:27 PM, Tim Ellison <t.p.elli...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On 06/Jan/2010 11:15, Aristedes Maniatis wrote:
>> On 6/01/10 9:56 PM, Tim Ellison wrote:
>>> We currently have a number of tools (e.g. JDKs, Ant, Maven, etc) defined
>>> globally, in the 'Manage Hudson' configuration page.
>>> Some are already a bit dubious, being declared as "on Ubuntu only", so
>>> not really global at all.  Now we have a Windows client the paths are
>>> totally wrong there, so specifying a build to use 'latest' is not going
>>> to work.
> I should correct this, since we can override the 'latest' locations.  So
> we would just 'push down' the platform specific tools to the specific nodes.

:-) That's what we already do for the installed tools on hudson-win.
However, I haven't figured out how to specify
MAVEN_HOME/JAVA_HOME/ANT_HOME. These are set on the global level, but
in the node configuration they are not available. Not sure what
consequences this will have. The Maven builds I've tested works as


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