On Thu, Oct 31, 2024 at 03:49:38PM +0000, Werner LEMBERG wrote:
> [texinfo.tex version 2024-10-28.18]
> If I try the following small example
> ```
> \input texinfo.tex
> All pitches from G to c′′′′.
> @bye
> ```
> I get the attached result, which is bad.  What about applying the
> trivial patch below?

The patch below hangs TeX, for some reason.  I have committed a change
to put \prime in superscript, which is what ' is supposed to do
in plain TeX.

It is said in the TeXbook (by Donald Knuth) that the prime symbol was
designed at that size to be used in a superscript position, which would
allow subscripts also to be present.  The prime symbol could also appear
in the subscript position, occasionally.

> ======================================================================
> --- texinfo.tex~        2024-10-28 21:17:05.000000000 +0100
> +++ texinfo.tex 2024-10-31 16:47:16.110047409 +0100
> @@ -11175,7 +11175,7 @@
>    \DeclareUnicodeCharacter{2287}{\ensuremath\supseteq}%
>    %
>    \DeclareUnicodeCharacter{2016}{\ensuremath\Vert}%
> -  \DeclareUnicodeCharacter{2032}{\ensuremath\prime}%
> +  \DeclareUnicodeCharacter{2032}{\ensuremath'}%
>    \DeclareUnicodeCharacter{210F}{\ensuremath\hbar}%
>    \DeclareUnicodeCharacter{2111}{\ensuremath\Im}%
>    \DeclareUnicodeCharacter{2113}{\ensuremath\ell}%

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