The Solaris CI reports a syntax error:

/opt/csw/bin/perl ./../../maintain/ \
        < ./main/command_data.c \
            ./../Data/default_css_element_class_styles.csv \
            ./../Data/default_direction_strings.csv \
            ./../Data/default_special_unit_info.csv \
            ./../Data/html_style_commands_element.csv \
            C ./main/conversion_data.c \
syntax error at ./../../maintain/ line 204, near 
syntax error at ./../../maintain/ line 396, near 
Execution of ./../../maintain/ aborted due to 
compilation errors.
gmake[3]: Leaving directory 


The code in question looks like:

  foreach my $header (@su_header) {
    if ($header =~ /^([^ ]+) ([^ ]+)$/) {
      my $spec = $2;
      if ($spec ne 'string') {
        die "Unknown special unit column spec $spec\n";
      $su_type = $1;
      push @su_ordered_translated_hashes, $su_type;
      $su_header_indices{$su_type} = {$spec => $su_header_index};
    } elsif ($header eq '') {
    } else {
      push @su_ordered_untranslated_hashes, $header;
      $su_type = undef;
      $su_header_indices{$header} = $su_header_index;

I guess "continue;" should have been "next;"?  I have never looked at
this Perl program before and don't know what it is for.

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