Follow-up Comment #3, bug #65600 (group make):

[comment #2 comment #2:]
> No.  --silent (and .SILENT) don't silence the output of any command.  Where
did you get that from?
> No.  `@` is to not print the command before executing it.  For silencing the
command, you'd need to >/dev/null

I made a mistake in my wording — I apologize. What I meant was *the command
before executing*.

> Use `echo ... >/dev/null`, although I don't know why you'd want to silence
echo(1).  If you don't want echo(1), just remove it.

You are right, in the end make should not have any effect on the output of the
executed commands.

> If you want to silence make(1), you can `make >/dev/null`.

In my case I only have access to `--silent` but cannot redirect the output of
`make`. Just one case does not justify my proposal — however the concept of
*silencing* is about *severity* of messages and I like that `--silent` can
suppress the commands being executed. I just propose that `$(info)` could be
included too, because `$(info)` is part of make and not a executed command.


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