[adding gnulib]

On 01/30/2017 03:48 PM, Stewart, Adam James wrote:
> I'm trying to build and install M4 1.4.18 with PGI 16.5, but `make check` 
> crashes for me. I'm seeing thousands of lines that look like:
> PGC-W-0116-Constant value out of range for signed short or char 
> (/blues/gpfs/home/software/spack-0.10.0/var/spack/stage/m4-1.4.18-zwtcbe4z66lx36aq7iuwsqbmz35a76jp/m4-1.4.18/tests/test-intprops.c:
>  164)
> PGC-W-0155-64-bit integral value truncated  
> (/blues/gpfs/home/software/spack-0.10.0/var/spack/stage/m4-1.4.18-zwtcbe4z66lx36aq7iuwsqbmz35a76jp/m4-1.4.18/tests/test-intprops.c:
>  164)
> PGC-W-0155-Integer overflow in divide  
> (/blues/gpfs/home/software/spack-0.10.0/var/spack/stage/m4-1.4.18-zwtcbe4z66lx36aq7iuwsqbmz35a76jp/m4-1.4.18/tests/test-intprops.c:
>  292)
> PGC-W-0086-Division by zero 
> (/blues/gpfs/home/software/spack-0.10.0/var/spack/stage/m4-1.4.18-zwtcbe4z66lx36aq7iuwsqbmz35a76jp/m4-1.4.18/tests/test-intprops.c:
>  337)

Thanks for the report.  The test-intprops.c file comes from gnulib, so
fixing it there will fix it for other packages that also inherit the
same test.

For our reference, can you please paste the actual source lines that the
compiler is complaining about? Even better would be computing the
preprocessed (but uncompiled) output, and showing the corresponding
lines after macro expansion.  That may help us figure out whether the
bug is in the PGI compiler rather than our testsuite, and maybe even
give us some ideas of ways to work around the problem (whether it be
avoiding the compiler bug or fixing our code portability).

> I don't think test-intprops.c is compatible with the PGI compilers.

Is there an easy way to access a machine with a PGI compiler, so that
you don't have to do all the debugging yourself?

Eric Blake   eblake redhat com    +1-919-301-3266
Libvirt virtualization library http://libvirt.org

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