On 2025-03-13 01:18, Werner LEMBERG wrote:

Is it correct to notate these two `R\breve*6` rests differently?
Should there be a third mark in the 12/1 measure?

\version "2.24.4"

   \time 2/1
   \time 12/1

Yes, I think there should be a third mark – the vertical bar covering
two staff spaces always has a length of 4/1, AFAIK.  Admittedly, I
have never seen a 12/1 time signature in the wild, so maybe I'm wrong.

"Brobdingnagische Gigue" [1] is in 24/1, but it has grouped whole rests rather than the longer rests.

"Ecce gratum" from _Carmina Burana_, has isolated single measures of 4/(1/2) time. The sounding part has no rests. Other parts have a centered whole rest with a fermata. That might be the clearest rendering for the silent single measures in my test case too.

Since we both feel that there's something wrong with the rests here, I'll create a ticket about it later today.

[1] https://imslp.org/wiki/Intrada-Suite_for_2_Violins_%27Gulliver%27s_Travels%27,_TWV_40:108_(Telemann,_Georg_Philipp)

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