Dear John,

If you change

\repeat unfold 4 { ""1 }



like in the attached example, the measure compression appears to work.

Does this fix the problem?

On 3/9/25 17:47, John Kopplin wrote:

William Rehwinkel (any pronouns)
Juilliard School '26 - Oberlin Conservatory '24 -
PGP Public Key:
% This LilyPond input file demonstrates a bug involving the
% \compressEmptyMeasures and \compressMMRests commands.
% The song has lyrics that don't start immediately and a
% bass guitar part that doesn't start immediately.  If the
% lyrics are removed the \compressEmptyMeasures and
% \compressMMRests commands then work.

\version "2.24.1"

bassgtrnotes = \fixed c, {
  \compressEmptyMeasures    % I have tried both of these statements
  \override MultiMeasureRest.expand-limit = #2
    b,4 b,4 b,4 b,4 |
  }  % end of \compressMMRests

words   = \lyricmode {
   ""1*4    % ""1 represents a whole measure of silence
  uno4 dos4 tres4 oye4


\score {


    \new Staff = "singer" <<
      \new Voice = "vocal" {
        \clef "bass_8"
     \new Lyrics { \words }
% If you comment out the above "\new Lyrics..." statement LilyPond works 



  \layout { }


Attachment: OpenPGP_signature.asc
Description: OpenPGP digital signature

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