> In this example, \popContextProperty appears not to restore the
> property to the state it was in (unset) before \pushContextProperty.
> This is a bug, right?
> \new Staff <<
>   {
>     \time 2/4
>     \set Score.autoBeaming = ##f
>     \skip 8*6
>     \set Score.autoBeaming = ##t
>   }
>   \new Voice \with \voiceOne {
>     \repeat unfold 12 c''8 % uses Score.autoBeaming
>   }
>   \new Voice \with \voiceTwo {
>     \repeat unfold 4 a'8 % uses Score.autoBeaming (#f)
>     \pushContextProperty Voice.autoBeaming ##t
>     \repeat unfold 4 a'8 % uses Voice.autoBeaming (#t)
>     \popContextProperty Voice.autoBeaming
>     \repeat unfold 4 a'8 % should resume using Score.autoBeaming (#t)
>   }
> >>

[I'm extremely busy the next week without a chance looking at this

It seems so, yes – I guess it doesn't work correctly if the original
state is 'unset'.  Valentin, can you have a look, please?  I've
essentially just re-used your code for this feature :-)


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