On 30/11/2024 15:09, Ole V. Villumsen via bug-lilypond wrote:
If I leave out the lyrics from the example below, Lilypond sets the notes 
nicely reporting no errors or warnings. When I include the lyrics, Lilypond 
counts the measure in the second volta wrong. One, it now reports:

7-8.ly:11:40: warning: barcheck failed at: 7/8
             \volta 2 { g2\repeatTie e2
                                         | }

Two, it now incorrectly sets a bar line between the two notes in the second 
volta, close to the first note, and no bar line at the end of the piece. I 
suspect that the bar line is set 1/8 into the second volta. This seems to agree 
with its position and with the warning message.

I expect that one can work around it (which I haven’t attempted yet).

The scenario you are working on is described in the notation reference under "Lyrics and repeats", in the section "Repeats with alternative endings" https://lilypond.org/doc/v2.24/Documentation/notation/techniques-specific-to-lyrics#lyrics-and-repeats.

I'd suggest the lilypond-user mailing list rather than lilypond-bugs for asking questions about using LilyPond.

Timothy Lanfear, Bristol, UK.

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