Am Di., 17. Sept. 2024 um 15:42 Uhr schrieb Trevor Bača <>:
> Hi,
> Calling 2.25.19 (under macOS ARM) on the attached file causes a
> segmentation fault.
> The file is large, and a bit of a mess. But the segmentation fault reliably
> happens every time 2.25.19 attempts to interpret the file.
> The file did not cause a segmentation fault in 2.25.16, or earlier.
> Should I open an issue in the tracker?
> Trevor.
> --
> Trevor Bača

Well, more than 8000 lines of code is not exactly a good bug-report ;)
Let's reduce it to something shorter:

\version "2.25.19"
  \repeat unfold 5 {
    \time 2/8
    c'32[ r4 c'8 %]

This gives a segfault in 2.25.19 on my machine, Ubuntu 24.04 and but
no segfault with 2.25.16.
Ofcourse there are a plethora of warnings, one of them pointing
exactly to the not terminated beam. Which is exactly the problem with
the last beam in your number.1.pitches-vl-voice.

And yes please file a bug report with the minimal: Although LilyPond
warns correctly about the problem, it should never segfault.


I never look in such huge files more than once in a year!

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