> %%% A custos shows where the next note will be and is placed at the
> %%% end of a staff.  It usually works fine.
> %%% 
> %%% But, the custos should point up when the second note on the next
> %%% staff is higher than the first.  This doesn't happen if the last
> %%% note is tied to the first note on the next staff.

Your code shows the opposite, right?  The custos points up because of
the tie, but the second note on the second staff is lower.

> Suggested fix: a command like \custosUp to manually set or adjust
> the direction of the custos.

You can define this by yourself, see attached example.  Do you have to
one or more real-world scores where custodes are combined with ties?

\version "2.24.3" 

custosDown = \override Staff.Custos.neutral-position = -100
custosUp = \override Staff.Custos.neutral-position = 100

  a'1 ~ \break

  a'1 ~ \break

\layout { 
  \context { 
    \consists Custos_engraver 
    \override Custos.style = #'mensural 

\paper {
  line-width = 50\mm

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