> In order to figure out what this means, here's what I tried: [...]

You missed one important step, namely to look up the Learning Manual (LM):


The index there already contains entries for `<< ... >>` and friends.

> The notation reference is huge but that's OK because it's generally
> good at letting me learn syntax on an as-needed basis.

Uh, oh, this is not the intended use of the Notation Reference (NR)!
You should *really* start with the LM.

> But in the case of << >> I'm not sure how I could have looked this
> up, short of reading the entire manual cover-to-cover.  The
> reference manual uses << >> in examples 73 times before finally
> describing (on page 213) what it means.

Well, yes, it is expected to know the syntax if you look up stuff in
the NR...  Anyway it is a known problem that some stuff in the LM is
missing in the NR.

> I guess this is a long-winded way of saying that I think << >>
> should be in the index.




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