On 2024-04-11 10:12 am, K. Blum via bug-lilypond wrote:
Starte lilypond.exe 2.25.14 [mwe scheme.ly]...
»C:/Users/Flower/Desktop/mwe scheme.ly« wird verarbeitet
assertion failed
Wurde mit dem Return-Code 3 beendet.

Assertion [1] is from the negative_long function in integers.c:

 112 static inline long
 113 negative_long (unsigned long mag)
 114 {
 115   ASSERT (mag <= (unsigned long) LONG_MIN);
 116   return ~mag + 1;
 117 }

[1]: https://git.savannah.gnu.org/gitweb/?p=guile.git;a=blob;f=libguile/integers.c;h=cc62d1c7847a0eef47b86e340295f43df01a9f50;hb=9b20ca275dba758a194073936cde7c95311bd51e#l115

Seems to be something specific to the Windows build. I could not reproduce the failing assertion on the Linux builds of LilyPond also running Guile 3.0.9. I could reproduce it with the 2.25.14 Windows build using scheme-sandbox.ly as well as using the -e command-line option:

  lilypond -e "(let* ((a 1) (b -3) (c (+ b 0.3))) (> (- b (/ a 2)) c))"

-- Aaron Hill

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