A few potential bugs to consider. Much appreciation!

% 1. Dashed bar lines fail requirement at some sizes:
% > The dashes in a dashed bar line covers staff lines exactly. Dashed bar
% > lines between staves start and end on a half dash precisely.

\version "2.24.3"
#(set-global-staff-size 10)

% Top missing
\relative { d' \bar "!" }

% Tiny and centered
\score {
\relative { d' \bar "!" }
\layout { #(layout-set-staff-size 33) }

% 2. Dashed bar line appearance affected by global staff size even
% when layout staff size fixed. Compare A and B:

% A
\version "2.24.3"

#(set-global-staff-size 10)\score {
\relative { d' \bar "!" }
\layout { #(layout-set-staff-size 33) }

% B
\version "2.24.3"

\score {
\relative { d' \bar "!" }
\layout { #(layout-set-staff-size 33) }}

% 3. Cannot end score with all bar line styles.

\version "2.24.3"
\relative { d' \bar ":" }
\relative { d' \bar ".|" }

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