I could write an issue... but the webpage did recomment to write a message first
Here is a folder with an example
you will find the orignal MuseScore, with it’s PDF and mxl export
(mxl is just a compressed archive containing the xml file)
and the import into Lilypond plus PDF export
It is easy for me to correct the ~/lilypond/usr/bin/musicxml2ly file
(a text file)
But I thought it might be useful to others...
Moreover, it would be great to have a lily2musicxml conversion tool!
The xml code for the first note with a chord is like this
<measure number="2">
<harmony print-frame="no">
<lyric number="1">
Le 28.01.24 à 23:09, Knute Snortum a écrit :
On Sun, Jan 28, 2024 at 8:50 AM Silvain Dupertuis
<silvain-dupert...@bluewin.ch> wrote:
These first 2 lines of the dictionary for chords in musicxml2ly
contains a faulty 5 for simple major and minor chords
(I discovered it with a conversion from a MuseScore sheet converted into
chordkind_dict = {
'major': ':5',
'minor': ':m5',
should be
chordkind_dict = {
'major': '',
'minor': ':m',
a:5 results in a two notes chord <a e,>
Could you supply a short musicxml file that demonstrates this? I would do it, but I
don't know musicxml.
That, or you could enter an issue at
Silvain Dupertuis
Route de Lausanne 335
1293 Bellevue (Switzerland)
tél. +41-(0)22-774.20.67
portable +41-(0)79-604.87.52
web: silvain-dupertuis.org <https://perso.silvain-dupertuis.org>