\version "2.24.2"

\relative {
  g'1 |
  % The following has no effect.
  \override Score.SpacingSpanner.strict-grace-spacing = ##t
  \grace { a4 } g1 |

\relative {
  % This works.
  \override Score.SpacingSpanner.strict-grace-spacing = ##t
  g'1 |
  \grace { a4 } g1 |

As a consequence we cannot change this property dynamically in the course of 
the score.

Context: My score contains all of \grace, \acciaccatura, \appoggiatura, 
\slashedGrace and \afterGrace. I want the first four to have the space that 
Lilypond assigns to them by default. I do not want \afterGrace to influence 
spacing of other parts on other staves. In other words I am trying to work 
around Lilypond bug #1329 (from 2010, still not solved). I can do this with a 
combination of spacers as described in NR 1.2.6 and the above mentioned 
property. But then the other kinds of grace notes get hurt. From NR 1.2.6:

\new Voice \relative {
    { d''1^\trill_( }
    { s2 s4. \grace { c16 d } }

Being able to change the strict-grace-spacing for each kind of grace note would 
allow my workaround for #1329 to work.


Link: Issue #1329 "\afterGrace placement/behaviour to be discussed":

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