Dear Werner.

The attached snippet provides the basic layout of the bassoon diagram.
#(print-keys-verbose 'bassoon (current-error-port)) gives the possibilities 
implemented for the individual keys and
It gives:
   possibilities for one:
   (one oneT)
   possibilities for two:
   (two twoT twoRT twoTR twoR twoRT1q two1qTR twoRT1h two1hTR twoRT3q two3qTR 
twoRTF twoFTR two1qT twoT1q two1q two1qT1h
   two1hT1q two1qT3q two3qT1q two1qTF twoFT1q two1hT twoT1h two1h two1hT3q 
two3qT1h two1hTF twoFT1h two3qT twoT3q two3q
   two3qTF twoFT3q twoFT twoF)

For one (left index finger) there must be more possibilities. At least one1h 
should be available. But one1q and one3q
with all combinations with T or F (similar to two (middle finger)). I did not 
see a ring at this hole ever.

I hope this is prices enough. Thanks.
Regards Eberhard

Eberhard Rennecke
Stettbachstr. 52
8051 Zürich

+41 44 3200065 (p)
+41 79 3312234 (m)

-----Original Message-----
From: Werner LEMBERG
Subject: Re: Missing_one1h_for bassoon_woodwind_diagram
Date: Mon, 21 Aug 2023 15:24:31 +0000 (UTC)

> For the woodwind diagram of the bassoon the half open hole is
> missing for one (one1h).  You ay refer
> to

Please be more specific and show/describe *exactly* what is missing or
not working, ideally together with a (possibly non-working) minimal
example.  None of the developers is a bassoon player AFAIK.

\version "2.24.2"
\relative c {\textLengthOn
\clef bass
s1_"Bassoon"^\markup {\center-column {
#(print-keys-verbose 'bassoon (current-error-port))

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