On 2023-05-27 20:36, Colin Campbell wrote:
Well, colour me embarrassed! First, I had applied your patches using
git cola, and received a confirmation screen saying the patches were
applied. Being suspicious, I had a look at the actual files with Kate,
and found no patches had actually been applied to the source. I
applied your FCPatternPrint patch, rebuilt lilypond, and re-ran the
test. The job failed, and logs are appended.
Also, and I blame long hours at the lathe, turning scrap wood into
bowls, I misread the icon in synaptic: libpango was available, not
installed. I blushed, and installed it before this last round of
rebuilding lilypond.
Just in case it might help, I uninstalled the font, and reran the test
file, successfully. Logs attached to compare against failed run.
I have no idea where that font file came from, as I have no use at all
for coloured emojis. I see it was provided by Google, which makes me
wonder about an update to Vivaldi or Chromium. Anyway, it's late, and
I've taken topo much of your time already.
Pattern has 15 elts (size 16)
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Pattern has 16 elts (size 32)
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"Noto Sans Symbols2"(w) "DejaVu Sans"(w) "DejaVu LGC Sans"(w) "DejaVu LGC Sans"(w) "DejaVu Sans"(w) "DejaVu LGC Sans"(w) "Noto Sans"(w) "DejaVu Sans"(w) "Verdana"(w) "Arial"(w) "Arimo"(w) "Liberation Sans"(w) "Albany"(w) "Albany AMT"(w) "Albany AMT"(w) "Luxi Sans"(w) "Nimbus Sans L"(w) "Nimbus Sans"(w) "Nimbus Sans"(w) "Nimbus Sans"(w) "Helvetica"(w) "Nimbus Sans"(w) "Nimbus Sans L"(w) "TeX Gyre Heros"(w) "Nimbus Sans"(w) "Nimbus Sans"(w) "Nimbus Sans L"(w) "Lucida Sans Unicode"(w) "BPG Glaho International"(w) "Tahoma"(w) "URW Gothic"(w) "Nimbus Sans"(w) "Nimbus Sans Narrow"(w) "Loma"(w) "Waree"(w) "Garuda"(w) "Umpush"(w) "Laksaman"(w) "Noto Sans CJK JP"(w) "Noto Sans CJK KR"(w) "Noto Sans CJK SC"(w) "Noto Sans CJK TC"(w) "Noto Sans CJK HK"(w) "Lohit Devanagari"(w) "Noto Sans Sinhala"(w) "Droid Sans Fallback"(w) "Khmer OS"(w) "Nachlieli"(w) "Lucida Sans Unicode"(w) "Yudit Unicode"(w) "Kerkis"(w) "ArmNet Helvetica"(w) "Artsounk"(w) "BPG UTF8 M"(w) "Waree"(w) "Loma"(w) "Garuda"(w) "Umpush"(w) "Saysettha Unicode"(w) "JG Lao Old Arial"(w) "GF Zemen Unicode"(w) "Pigiarniq"(w) "B Davat"(w) "B Compset"(w) "Kacst-Qr"(w) "Urdu Nastaliq Unicode"(w) "Raghindi"(w) "Mukti Narrow"(w) "padmaa"(w) "Hapax Berbère"(w) "MS Gothic"(w) "Noto Sans Mono CJK JP"(w) "Noto Sans Mono CJK JP"(w) "TakaoGothic"(w) "IPAGothic"(w) "IPAMonaGothic"(w) "VL Gothic"(w) "Sazanami Gothic"(w) "Kochi Gothic"(w) "UmePlus P Gothic"(w) "Microsoft YaHei"(w) "Noto Sans CJK SC"(w) "WenQuanYi Micro Hei"(w) "WenQuanYi Zen Hei"(w) "Microsoft JhengHei"(w) "Noto Sans CJK TC"(w) "WenQuanYi Micro Hei"(w) "WenQuanYi Zen Hei"(w) "WenQuanYi Zen Hei"(w) "WenQuanYi Bitmap Song"(w) "AR PL ShanHeiSun Uni"(w) "AR PL New Sung"(w) "MgOpen Moderna"(w) "MgOpen Modata"(w) "MgOpen Cosmetica"(w) "VL Gothic"(w) "IPAMonaGothic"(w) "IPAGothic"(w) "Sazanami Gothic"(w) "Kochi Gothic"(w) "AR PL KaitiM GB"(w) "AR PL KaitiM Big5"(w) "AR PL ShanHeiSun Uni"(w) "AR PL SungtiL GB"(w) "AR PL Mingti2L Big5"(w) "MS ゴシック"(w) "Noto Sans Mono CJK JP"(w) "Noto Sans Mono CJK JP"(w) "TakaoGothic"(w) "IPAGothic"(w) "IPAMonaGothic"(w) "VL Gothic"(w) "Sazanami Gothic"(w) "Kochi Gothic"(w) "ZYSong18030"(w) "NanumGothic"(w) "UnDotum"(w) "Baekmuk Dotum"(w) "Baekmuk Gulim"(w) "KacstQura"(w) "Lohit Bengali"(w) "Lohit Gujarati"(w) "Lohit Hindi"(w) "Lohit Marathi"(w) "Lohit Maithili"(w) "Lohit Kashmiri"(w) "Lohit Konkani"(w) "Lohit Nepali"(w) "Lohit Sindhi"(w) "Lohit Punjabi"(w) "Lohit Tamil"(w) "Meera"(w) "Lohit Malayalam"(w) "Lohit Kannada"(w) "Lohit Telugu"(w) "Lohit Oriya"(w) "LKLUG"(w) "FreeSans"(w) "Arial Unicode MS"(w) "Arial Unicode"(w) "Code2000"(w) "Code2001"(w) "Arimo"(w) "Noto Sans"(w) "Noto Sans CJK SC"(w) "Noto Sans Arabic"(w) "Noto Sans Thai"(w) "Noto Sans Devanagari"(w) "Noto Sans Tamil"(w) "Noto Sans Hebrew"(w) "Noto Sans Bengali"(w) "Noto Sans Telugu"(w) "Noto Sans Kannada"(w) "Noto Sans Malayalam"(w) "Noto Sans Gurmukhi"(w) "Noto Sans Gujarati"(w) "Noto Sans Oriya"(w) "Noto Sans Armenian"(w) "Noto Sans Georgian"(w) "Noto Sans Khmer"(w) "Noto Sans Lao"(w) "Noto Sans Ethiopic"(w) "Noto Sans Myanmar"(w) "Noto Sans Sinhala"(w) "Jomolhari"(w) "Noto Sans Coptic"(w) "Noto Sans Deseret"(w) "Noto Sans TaiTham"(w) "Noto Sans CanadianAboriginal"(w) "Noto Sans Yi"(w) "Noto Sans Tifinagh"(w) "Noto Sans Adlam"(w) "Noto Sans Cherokee"(w) "Noto Sans Chakma"(w) "Noto Sans Osage"(w) "Noto Color Emoji"(w) "Noto Sans Symbols"(w) "Noto Sans Symbols2"(w) "DejaVu Sans"(w) "DejaVu LGC Sans"(w) "Noto Sans"(w) "DejaVu Sans"(w) "Verdana"(w) "Arial"(w) "Albany AMT"(w) "Luxi Sans"(w) "Nimbus Sans L"(w) "Nimbus Sans"(w) "Helvetica"(w) "Lucida Sans Unicode"(w) "BPG Glaho International"(w) "Tahoma"(w) "URW Gothic"(w) "Nimbus Sans"(w) "Nimbus Sans Narrow"(w) "Loma"(w) "Waree"(w) "Garuda"(w) "Umpush"(w) "Laksaman"(w) "Noto Sans CJK JP"(w) "Noto Sans CJK KR"(w) "Noto Sans CJK SC"(w) "Noto Sans CJK TC"(w) "Noto Sans CJK HK"(w) "Lohit Devanagari"(w) "Noto Sans Sinhala"(w) "Droid Sans Fallback"(w) "Khmer OS"(w) "Nachlieli"(w) "Lucida 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Maithili"(w) "Lohit Kashmiri"(w) "Lohit Konkani"(w) "Lohit Nepali"(w) "Lohit Sindhi"(w) "Lohit Punjabi"(w) "Lohit Tamil"(w) "Meera"(w) "Lohit Malayalam"(w) "Lohit Kannada"(w) "Lohit Telugu"(w) "Lohit Oriya"(w) "LKLUG"(w) "FreeSans"(w) "Arial Unicode MS"(w) "Arial Unicode"(w) "Code2000"(w) "Code2001"(w) "sans-serif"(w) "Roya"(w) "Koodak"(w) "Terafik"(w) "Roya"(w) "Koodak"(w) "Terafik"(w) "SimHei"(w) "Noto Sans CJK SC"(w) "Noto Sans CJK SC"(w) "黑体"(w) "Noto Sans CJK SC"(w) "Noto Sans CJK SC"(w) "sans-serif"(w) "sans-serif"(w) "ITC Avant Garde Gothic"(w) "URW Gothic"(w) "URW Gothic L"(w) "TeX Gyre Adventor"(w) "URW Gothic"(w) "URW Gothic"(w) "sans-serif"(w) "sans-serif"(w) "Helvetica"(w) "Helvetica Narrow"(w) "Nimbus Sans Narrow"(w) "TeX Gyre Heros Cn"(w) "Nimbus Sans Narrow"(w) "Nimbus Sans Narrow"(w) "sans-serif"(w) "sans-serif"(w) "sans-serif"(w) "sans-serif"(w) "sans-serif"(w) "sans-serif"(w) "Tinos"(w) "Noto Serif"(w) "Noto Serif CJK SC"(w) "Noto Naskh Arabic"(w) "Noto Serif Thai"(w) 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"Noto Sans Gujarati"(w) "Noto Sans Oriya"(w) "Noto Sans Armenian"(w) "Noto Sans Georgian"(w) "Noto Sans Khmer"(w) "Noto Sans Lao"(w) "Noto Sans Ethiopic"(w) "Noto Sans Myanmar"(w) "Noto Sans Sinhala"(w) "Jomolhari"(w) "Noto Sans Coptic"(w) "Noto Sans Deseret"(w) "Noto Sans TaiTham"(w) "Noto Sans CanadianAboriginal"(w) "Noto Sans Yi"(w) "Noto Sans Tifinagh"(w) "Noto Sans Adlam"(w) "Noto Sans Cherokee"(w) "Noto Sans Chakma"(w) "Noto Sans Osage"(w) "Noto Color Emoji"(w) "Noto Sans Symbols"(w) "Noto Sans Symbols2"(w) "DejaVu Sans"(w) "DejaVu LGC Sans"(w) "Noto Sans"(w) "DejaVu Sans"(w) "Verdana"(w) "Arial"(w) "Albany AMT"(w) "Luxi Sans"(w) "Nimbus Sans L"(w) "Nimbus Sans"(w) "Helvetica"(w) "Lucida Sans Unicode"(w) "BPG Glaho International"(w) "Tahoma"(w) "URW Gothic"(w) "Nimbus Sans"(w) "Nimbus Sans Narrow"(w) "Loma"(w) "Waree"(w) "Garuda"(w) "Umpush"(w) "Laksaman"(w) "Noto Sans CJK JP"(w) "Noto Sans CJK KR"(w) "Noto Sans CJK SC"(w) "Noto Sans CJK TC"(w) "Noto Sans CJK HK"(w) "Lohit 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GNU LilyPond 2.25.6 (running Guile 2.2)
Processing `/Work/Non-Musical.ly'
Interpreting music...
Preprocessing graphical objects...
Finding the ideal number of pages...
Fitting music on 1 page...
Drawing systems...
Converting to `Non-Musical.pdf'...
Success: compilation successfully completed