On 2022-12-16 5:30 am, Silvain Dupertuis wrote:
Maybe I should send this note on documentation to another mail, but I
did not find which one.
I just notice that on this example
that the snippet on Bach chaconne should have a time signature of 12/8,
not 4/4 - and looking on this score
(https://musescore.com/musemeister/bach_1004) it is bar #234 rather
than 235.
You probably meant to link to this snippet [1].
While common time is incorrect, this section should be in 3/4 not 12/8.
And if we are being picky, the key signature should include the B flat
(i.e. D minor).
Now, some sources on IMSLP do have 235 as the measure number, because
they include the initial partial measure in the count. This is likely
the origin of the off-by-one error.
-- Aaron Hill
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