Le 05/10/2022 à 22:44, Tobias Leupold a écrit :
This is simply a pattern that appears very often, at least for the pieces of music I handle (wind ensemle pieces) ... I attached three examples I found in my sheets, without having searched longer than two minutes (all rendered with
older versions of Lilypond) ...
I mean, I have this each and every time a key change happens, but only in the
next line,

Oh, but the new behavior is only for the end of the staff, not if the
staff continues on the next line, e.g. of course the staff lines extend
to the right of the new key signature in this example:

\version "2.22.2"

  \key g \major
  \key a \major

They only stop before the key if you have a key at the very end.
I can understand why you want to do that for a segno repeat
(although I don't recall ever actually seeing this myself), but
this case is much more rare.

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