Le 15/07/2022 à 19:10, Arno Waschk a écrit :
Hi Jean,
thanks for your reply!
I was aware of what you demonstrate and elaborate on line breaking,
but i tried to stick for pagebreaks in my statement for those very
Umm, if you replace \break with \pageBreak in my example, you will
see that exactly the same problem exists with page breaks.
\version "2.23.11"
\paper {
ragged-right = ##t
c'2 2\!
I could have added that i mean fixed pagebreaks like when stated
explicitely by \pagebreak, or an equivalent a more or maybe even less
clever algo could add for speed up in some kind of draft mode, which
maybe useful even if suboptimal.
It's not hard in each case to find some suboptimal value;
you'd need to ensure, however, that an error does not ensue.
I haven't tried it to see if it was hard.
Probably you have a valid point about POSIX threads. Given that it
could not be solved by an equivalent of "make -j 8" and glueing things
together (which could be a quite quick and not too dirty solution
btw), we had at least something for non-windows users. :-)
Hopefully someone with more insight could comment on that?
Last not least, as anything happended around the gsoc idea, is there
any code for it?
I don't think anyone took it.
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