Am Mo., 13. Juni 2022 um 19:39 Uhr schrieb William Rehwinkel via bug-lilypond <>: > > Dear Lilypond, > > After not being able to find any bugs discussing this in the tracker, I > would like to share the following miniature example which I believe > shows that dashed bar-lines are misplaced in vertically compressed > scores (using default lilypond spacing settings). After testing in > 2.22.2 and 2.23.9, the same behavior persists. The dashed lines should > have rendered in the same way as the double bar and dotted bar did, but > it does not connect between the two Piano Staves and extends above the > top staff. Note that if the spacing of systems is manually expanded, via > "\paper{ systems-per-page = 4 }", for example, the dashed bar-lines are > rendered properly. > > Thank you, > > -William > > --- > > \version "2.23.9" % "2.22.2" > \score { > << > \new PianoStaff << > \new Staff \repeat unfold 32 { 8 8 8 8 \bar "!" 8 8 8 8 > \bar "||" 8 8 8 8 \bar ";" 8 8 8 8 } > \new Staff \repeat unfold 32 { 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 > 8 8 } > >> > \new Staff \repeat unfold 32 { 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 } > >> > }
Confirmed. Here a more tiny example: mus = { \override = #(lambda (grob) (interval-widen (ly:bar-line::calc-bar-extent grob) 0.5)) f'4 \bar "!" f''4 } \new PianoStaff << \new Staff \mus \new Staff \mus >> Actually a dashed bar line uses dashed-line _or_ a line constructed from filled boxes, depending on certain conditions. Iirc, this is due to wished different behaviour if BarLine.color is different from StaffSymbol.color. I may be wrong here though... If a _SpanBar_ is dashed with filled boxes the result needs to be moved between the staves.Though, this is a very rare case and not covered by any regtest afaict, thus it was undetected so far. Many thanks for your report. On it ... Cheers, Harm _______________________________________________ bug-lilypond mailing list