While trying to make sure my automatic documentation generation code
works with Lilypond 2.23.8 (and especially Guile 2.2) I noticed a bug
that may be due to how Lilypond is using Guile 2.2.
The current version of my code uses /(p//rocedure-source)/
to get the names of the parameters of my functions & methods and
generate the documentation.
I noticed that with Guile 2.2 I always get /#f/ when I call
/(//procedure-source)/. But we now have /(program-lambda-list)/
that removes the need from parsing the source to get the parameter names.
Thus I tried to use /(program-lambda-list)/ to get the parameters names
with Lilypond 2.23.8 (i.e. Guile 2.2) but this fails and instead I get
anonymized parameters ("a", "b"... instead of the expected values).
To illustrate the issue let's first see what happens with Lilypond 2.22
(and thus Guile 1.8), compiling:
\version "2.22.0"
(define (f lhs rhs) (+ lhs rhs))
(display "\nUsing Guile ")
(display (version))
(display "source: ")
(display (procedure-source f))
GNU LilyPond 2.22.2
Processing `test_2.22.ly'
Using Guile 1.8.7
source: (lambda (lhs rhs) (+ lhs rhs))
(we can't use /(program-lambda-list)/ here since it is not supported by
Guile 1.8)
With Lilypond 2.23 (and thus Guile 2.2), compiling:
\version "2.23.8"
(use-modules (system vm program))
(define (f lhs rhs) (+ lhs rhs))
(display "Using Guile ")
(display (version))
(display "λ-list: ")
(display (program-lambda-list f))
(display "source: ")
(display (procedure-source f))
GNU LilyPond 2.23.8 (running Guile 2.2)
Processing `test_2.23.ly'
Parsing...Using Guile 2.2.7
λ-list: *(a b)*
source: *#f*
We can see that:
1. We don't have access to the function source anymore (as when using
Guile 2.2 directly).
2. /(program-lambda-list)/ returns "(a b)" instead of "(lhs rhs)",
erasing the parameters' names.
To confirm if this is the default behavior of Guile 2.2, I tested this
Guile script:
(use-modules (system vm program))
(define (f lhs rhs) (+ lhs rhs))
(display "Using Guile ")
(display (version))
(display "λ-list: ")
(display (program-lambda-list f))
(display "source: ")
(display (procedure-source f))
Running Guile command line tool on this script with the default
parameters result in:
Using Guile 2.2.7
λ-list: (lhs rhs)
source: #f
We can see that:
1. Guile 2.2 does not return the source either.
2. Guile 2.2 does return "(lhs rhs)" as expected, and not "(a b)" as
Lilypond 2.23.8 is doing.
I dig a bit further into this issue and I can make Guile 2.2 behave like
Lilypond by using the flags:
* --fresh-auto-compile
* --no-auto-compile
*With those two flags *I indeed get the same output as with Lilypond 2.23.8:
Using Guile 2.2.7
λ-list: (a b)
source: #f
Note that using --fresh-auto-compile is _mandatory_ since without it
Guile seems to use previous auto-compilation's output and indeed prints
the correct list of parameters.
To summarize the issues:
* Lilypond 2.23.8 is using Guile 2.2 which does not support
/(//proceduce-source)/ anymore.
* But Guile 2.2 offers /(program-lambda-list)/ which can replace the
use of /(//proceduce-source)/ to get the parameters' names.
* The issue is that the way Lilypond 2.23.8 uses Guile 2.2 erases the
parameter names returned by /(program-lambda-list)/, making it
impossible to use this method either.
Please let me know if you need more details.
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