Am Sa., 12. März 2022 um 09:58 Uhr schrieb Ole V. Villumsen via bug-lilypond <>: > > % When input language is "deutsch" (German), > % Lilypond does not seem to print the default chord names > % given in the notation reference > % > > % The only workaround I have found was to use a different input language. > > \version "2.22.2" > \language "deutsch" > > << > \new ChordNames { > % Expecting default chord names: B B# Bb > % Instead getting: H H# Hb > \chordmode { > h1 his b > } > } > >> > > [billede.png] > > -- > Ole V. Villumsen > Jelshøjvænget 13 > 8270 Højbjerg > 86 27 29 26 > SMS 30 22 29 26 > > Sendt med [ProtonMail]( sikker e-mail. > _______________________________________________ > bug-lilypond mailing list > >
Hi Ole, thanks for the report. Here my current understanding. The behaviour is expected. Granted, we have the possibility to transform input in the default-language into german/italian/french chordnames. Via \germanChords etc. But not from a different input-language into english chordnames. So this may turn this bugreport into a feature request? If \language is specified LilyPond tries to print chordnames in that language. This is not documented, afaict. So this may be an doc-issue? > % The only workaround I have found was to use a different input language. Do you mean something like below? \language "deutsch" << \new ChordNames { \languageSaveAndChange #default-language \chordmode { b bis bes } \languageRestore } \new Staff { h his b } >> Then I'd vote for better documentation of languageSaveAndChange and languageRestore, currently there's none. Cheers, Harm _______________________________________________ bug-lilypond mailing list