Le 29/09/2021 à 22:56, leonardlthomp...@gmail.com a écrit :

Many of us who use chord symbols in our scores find value in having 'pedal'
as a chord symbol type, which is simply a single unison pitch given by the
chord's root. Both Finale and Musescore successfully export 'pedal'  as a
<kind> data type of a <harmony> element in musicxml files.

The chordkind_dict variable in the musicxml2ly in my Lilypond installation
file has the 'pedal' entry commented out, which I modified to what the
commented out line basically hints at:
'pedal': ':1'
That modification, along with modifying  ignatzekExceptionMusic in the
chord-modifiers-init file to include
<c >-\markup \super {Pedal} has given me added functionally in both
recognizing a 'pedal' chord type when importing musicxml , and in having
'pedal' available in the Chordnames context. Would anyone see value in
having this reflected in the main repository?

If it's data present in the MusicXML, then
it would be of course better to convert it
and that would be very welcome as a contribution.

To change the default ignatzekExceptions, some
care is required because this will modify behavior
for existing scores. Is this 'pedal' notation


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