On 2021-09-14 6:21 am, Justin Peter wrote:
It doesn't appear that any of this is covered in the documentation -
is wanting to format entire verses/groups of lyrics not a common use
case, or would that be something helpful to add?
It is common, but it is done via \override and not \markup.
fancyText = {
\override LyricText.font-shape = #'italic
\override LyricText.color = #red
\new Lyrics \with { \fancyText } \lyricmode { a b c }
\new Lyrics \lyricmode { \fancyText a b c }
\new Lyrics \lyricmode { a \once \fancyText b c }
If you need to apply arbitrary \markup commands to all lyrics, you could
install a transforming procedure that operates on each individual
transformText =
#(define-music-function (transformer) (procedure?)
#{ \override LyricText.text = #(grob-transformer 'text
(lambda (grob orig) (transformer orig))) #})
boxify = #(lambda (text) #{ \markup \box #text #})
jitter = #(lambda (text) #{ \markup \rotate #(- (random 20) 10) #text
\new Lyrics \lyricmode {
\transformText \boxify lorem ipsum dolor sit amet
\transformText \jitter lorem ipsum dolor sit amet
-- Aaron Hill
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