Le 14/09/2021 à 11:48, Paul Hodges a écrit :
Exactly as the title says - crossStaff works for all stemmed notes, but
quavers which are not beamed lose their flag.  I have resorted to
merging in an extra note to get the flag, as in this example which shows
the problem and my hack:

\version "2.23.3"
\score {
    \new PianoStaff <<
      \new Staff { \clef treble
                   \crossStaff {<e' c''>4 q8 r q q r q |
                                << q \new Voice { \voiceOne c''8 } >>}
      \new Staff { \clef bass \stemUp
                   \crossStaff {<c g>4 q8 r \autoBeamOff q q r q |
    \layout {
      \context {
          \consists #Span_stem_engraver

This problem does not seem to be affected by any other settings -
especially (as shown in my example) not autoBeam[On]Off.  The problem is
also present in the older versions of LilyPond at LilyBin.


Hi Paul,

This is expected. \crossStaff is meant to be used
only in the voices that should have their stems
made to extend past their own staff. Remove
\crossStaff from the upper staff and everything
is correct.

\version "2.23.3"

\new PianoStaff \with {
  \consists "Span_stem_engraver"
} <<
  \new Staff {
    \clef treble
    <e' c''>4 q8 r q q r q | q
  \new Staff {
    \clef bass
    \crossStaff {
      <c g>4 q8 r q q r q | q


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