Am Mo., 15. Feb. 2021 um 09:35 Uhr schrieb Jonas Hahnfeld via bug-lilypond <>: > > Am Sonntag, dem 14.02.2021 um 16:27 -0500 schrieb Dan Eble: > > As I read Behind Bars, p.237, the bracket for volta 2 should not turn down > > at the end in this case. Either way, it's strange that the outcome depends > > on line breaking. If someone is willing to second this, I am willing to > > investigate it. > > — > > Dan > > > > \version "2.20.0" > > > > \layout { > > ragged-right = ##t > > } > > > > piece = \fixed c' { > > \repeat volta 2 R1 \alternative { R1 R1 } > > \repeat volta 2 R1 > > } > > > > \new Score \new Staff << \piece >> > > \new Score \new Staff << \piece { s1*3 \break } >> > > Yes, looks strange, especially given that the brackets in the following > two don't turn down: > \new Score \new Staff << { \repeat volta 2 R1 \alternative { R1 R1 } R1 } >> > \new Score \new Staff << { \repeat volta 2 R1 \alternative { R1 R1 } \bar > "||" R1 } >> > > It turns down with \bar ".|" and \bar "|.", but neither with \bar ".", > \bar "..", nor \bar "|.|" - weird. > > I went to check some scores I have, but both instances I found (Phantom > of the Opera and Themes from 007) coincide with a line break - but at > least the not-turning-down matches what LilyPond does in that case. > I've found another one without line breaks in a custom score, but I > didn't enter it and I'd have to ask the author what program he used. > Whatever it was, the output looks visually unpleasant (some text sizes > don't match), so I'm not sure it should be taken as reference... > > Jonas > _______________________________________________ > bug-lilypond mailing list > >
Currently volta-hooks are allowed only for certain bar-lines. This is controlled by `allow-volta-hook` from bar-line.scm and `allowVoltaHook` from, both filling `volta-bracket-allow-volta-hook-list`. Defaulting to: #(pretty-print (module-ref (resolve-module '(lily)) 'volta-bracket-allow-volta-hook-list)) -> (":|." ".|:" "|." ":..:" ":|.|:" ":|.:" ".|" ":|.S" ":|.S-S" ":|.S.|:" ":|.S.|:-S" ":|]" ":|][|:") Here the ".|:"-bar-line is split into "|" at line-end and ".|:" at line-begin, but the volta-hook is not allowed for "|". This is the situation, as far as I can tell. The printed outcome is always the same since 2.12.3, although the implementation of the whole bar-line-stuff changed somewhere in 2.14. or 2.16.. I don't remember exactly No clue how to improve, though. Cheers, Harm _______________________________________________ bug-lilypond mailing list