Hi there,

\center-column is broken. In 2.18 it was still OK. The lines of a \center-column are supposed to be centered under each other. This is at least with 2.23.1 not any longer the case. Please, see attached pictures. The "aaaa" is clearly not centered unter the "|".

   \version "2.18.0"

   { a'1 a'1
      c'' ^\markup
     \center-align \box \bold \fontsize #10 \center-column { "|" "aaaa"
   "bbb" "|" }

Another problem is with \center-align. \center-align centers its contents (here the box) over the left edge of the note it is attached to. This does not look very centered at all. It should be centered over the middle of the note's x-extent. This was already wrong in 2.18.

Is there someone knowledgeable about markups and who can look at that? With some mentoring I might volunteer.



Johannes Feulner
Tel: +49 721 33500158  johannes.feul...@scorio.com

scorio GmbH  Bonhoefferweg 3   76327 Pfinztal
Geschäftsführer Johannes Feulner
Sitz der Gesellschaft Karlsruhe
Amtsgericht Mannheim HRB 713486

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